MoveTick will move files received by your Tabby system via the TICK file transfer method into Second Sight File sections using the description contained in the TICK file.
Place MoveTick in your BBS Folder with Second Sight, TabbyNet, and all their buddys.
To configure MoveTick launch MoveTick while holding down the mouse button.
NOTE: Only configure MoveTick from the BBS Machine. Since it stores it's information in the System Folder, It will be confused if you configure it from another machine.
Several windows will come up containing the various MoveTick settings.
The File Areas window contains a list of all the File Areas your BBS carries. To add a new File Area to this window, select New File Area from the File Menu. To Edit an existing File Area, double click on it. To delete a selected File Area, choose Clear from the Edit Menu. You can change which column the list is sorted by by clicking on the name of the column. These things are true for the Extension Mappings window and the Type Creators window as well.
When you edit a File Area, Type in the Area Name and click the button to choose your SS File Section. You also have the option of overwriting previous files of the same name in that particular file section. If you want this to be done, check the box.
MoveTick has the capability to handle non-Macbinary files based on the extension in the name of the file. This information is stored in the Extension Maps window. When MoveTick encounters a Non-Macbinary file, it will search this list for a match to the file name extension. (The part after the last period) If it finds a match, it will set the file's Type and Creator, set the Second Sight File type and adds a description line to the file's description.
MoveTick has the capability to put a descriptive line in the SS File section description based on the Type and or Creator of the file. This information is stored in the Type/Creator Maps window.
If you are not actually running MacTick (You are not passing on to anybody) you can configure MoveTick to delete the .tic files and the MacBinary files from your Generic Folder. To have MoveTick do this check the boxes in the Other Settings window. In some situations you may just want to delete the *.BIN files.
If you have a Master file section that contains all the files for your BBS, Move Tick can put the file section record there as well. If you want to do this, click the check box in the Other Settings window. To set the path of the Master File section, click the Find button.
Finally quit the program when the settings are correct.
Put MoveTick in all your Tabby Event chains before MacTick, and Before ArcMail Extract or ZipMail Extract.
If you find any bugs try to write down your exact setup and how you created the bug, also any System Bomb ID numbers, or if you have MacsBug, whatever MacsBug says. Then Leave E-mail about it in MFNSYSOP.
If you have MacsBug, then when it crashes do the following:
1) Type:
log "MoveTick crash 10/19"
This will turn on the log feature of MacsBug.
2) Type:
This will show what caused the crash.
3) Type:
This will show me which routine it crashed in.
4) Type:
This will show me in more detail where the program was when it crashed.
5) Type:
This will close the log file.
4) Type:
This will reboot your computer.
5) Send me the contents of the log file as in your message.
Kirk Crawford
Please make your check for $10 payable to Kirk Crawford and send it to
P.O. Box 781
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
••Changes in version 1.1
Changed the entire user interface. Hopefully it is a lot better. All of the list type stuff is in seperate windows. Each one is sortable by any of the columns as well.
Fixed a bug brought up by Alan Heflich, previous versions of MoveTick could not handle tik files with lowercase names. Files he received from FrontDoor would appear this way and would not be processed. This has been fixed.
••Changes in version 1.06
MoveTick can now handle description lines up to 1024 characters. (it used to be 255 Chars)
••Changes in version 1.0.5
Added overwrite feature. Click the checkbox in each file section that you want overwrite ability enabled. Ignore the significant characters for now, that is not used.
••Changes in version 1.0.4
Fixed a minor bug that would cause some files not to be recognized as MacBinary. Only affected colorized files.
••Changes in version 1.0.3
Fixes a minor bug that occured when creating the name of the file for the SS file Section.
••Changes in version 1.0.2
MoveTick now eliminates the high-ASCII characters from the filename that SS uses. Actually it eliminates all characters < 33 and > 127. This eliminates the spaces as well.
Spaces are no longer replaced with '_' since I wanted to pack as much information as possible into the name. Also, periods are allowed, but no two periods will follow eachother in the name. For example MoveTick.π.rsrc will not turn into it will turn into MoveTick.rsr . The π is a High-ASCII character.
••Changes in version 1.0.1
Fixed a bug that caused MoveTick to think All files were NOT macbinary. OOPS!
••Changes in version 1.0
MoveTick now handles non-macbinary files. It can set the Type, Creator, Second Sight File Type and a Description line based on the file name extension. I am releasing MoveTick out of beta test on this version. Baloon help has been added as well.
••Changes in version 0.8
MoveTick is now more tolerant of file system changes. If you backup, reformat and restore your hard disk, all the directory ID's change, but the paths remain the same. MoveTick will now detect this and fix the Dir ID's it stores in the settings on the fly.
If you rename a folder on your hard disk, the Directory ID remains the same, but the path changes. Move Tick will now detect this and fix the path that it stores in the settings on the fly.
The only way now that you could cause MoveTick to loose track of your paths is if you renamed your hard disk, or if you added another level of folders, or moved your file sections to a completely different set of folders.
••Changes in version 0.7
MoveTick will now properly find the settings file if it is run on a volume other than the System Volume.
••Changes in version 0.6
MoveTick will now handle Files that have spaces in their file names. Or AreaNames with spaces for that matter.
Handles Non-MacBinary files. In this case they are simply copied to the new section. In the future I will process the last three chars of the filename to determine the File Type and Creator, but for now They are all set to TEXT files with the creator QED1. Except if the filename ends in GIF then it is set to a GIFf file with Creator QGIF (QuickGif). In a future version, there will be an editable map that will control this.
The Non-MacBinary files are set to Non-Macintosh files n SS's File Record.
Stores files in sections on volumes other than the one MoveTick resides on. At least it did onto a floppy of mine... (That is what beta testers are for).
••Changes in version 0.5
MoveTick now handles REALLY LONG description lines. It will word wrap them into the 75 characters allowed in SS description lines. This should help solve problems with DOS tick processors only allowing one Description line.
••Changes in version 0.4
Settings file is now stored in the Preferences folder if you are running System 7
Now you can optionally delete the TICK file or the BIN file , or any combination of both.
If you had Delete Files selected in a previous version, MoveTick defaults to deleting both the BIN and TIC files. It will remain this way until you change it by configuring MoveTick.
••Changes in version 0.3
1) Fixed cosmetic bugs with the lists in the settings window.
2) Added an option to place the file section record in a master file section as well.